In truth, if you have enough people willing to sign on the dotted line, it's not that hard to start a regular corporation. But it's pretty much a 'they give you enough rope to hang yourself' situation. When you form a corporation, there comes with it a whole host of responsibilities, most of them involving paperwork and money.
Once we filed the Articles of Incorporation, we had to draft bylaws, and those bylaws are required to include very specific things for nonprofit entities. There are strict rules for nonprofits. And so began several weeks of back and forth and editing to get our bylaws completed. There were many late nights, as well as two board meetings (one of them short notice), in order to get everything drafted and approved. In the end we got it squared away. See
Bylaws here. But we still weren't done.
Initially we were going to file the full IRS Form 1023 because we had an event planned within our first 3 years of operation that would have brought in over $50,000 in funds. In the end we decided it was quicker (and cheaper) to move the event out past the three year mark and file for our exemption immediately.
On May 4, 2018, the 1023-EZ for IRS exemption was filed.